Car accidents happen every day when drivers are distracted or impaired. Don’t face the insurance companies on your own. Let us help.
These crashes often leave riders with catastrophic injuries. We can help you get the money you need while you take the time you need to recover.
When a big rig is involved in a crash with a passenger vehicle, the results are often tragic. Let us put our years of experience handling complex litigation to work for you.
When pedestrians are involved in accidents, injuries are often severe or fatal. Let us fight for you and your family.
When you or a loved one hurt due to a doctor’s mistake, you may be entitled to hold them liable for your damages. Let us fight for you to recover the compensation you need.
Rideshares crashes can be complex, but we don’t let that stop us from forcing those who caused your injuries to take responsibility.
When your loved one is killed due to someone’s negligence, Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers goes above and beyond in providing the compassion and personal attention you need to help you through the next steps.
When your accident causes life-altering injuries, Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers will do everything we can to get the maximum compensation available.
Unfortunately, drivers often fail to share the road with cyclists. If a driver hit you while cycling, you could be entitled to compensation. Let us help you get the money you deserve.
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