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Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers - Injury Law Firm in Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville Airplane Accident Lawyer

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Jacksonville Airplane Accident Lawyer

Did you recently suffer injuries in an aviation accident in Jacksonville, FL? Contact Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers. You may have the right to recover compensation for your medical costs, lost income, and suffering. Our Jacksonville airplane accident lawyers can help you get the financial results you deserve.

Since 2012, Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers has been a leader in personal injury litigation, helping clients stand up and fight after devastating accidents. Putting over 100 years of combined experience behind every case, we’ve helped clients achieve tens of millions of dollars in life-changing monetary awards.

Contact our Jacksonville, FL, office to set up a time to discuss the details of your case at (904) 396-1100. Your first consultation is free, and our skilled team is always available to take your call, so reach out to us for assistance today. 

How Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help If You’ve Been Hurt in an Airplane Accident in Jacksonville, FL

How Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help If You’ve Been Hurt in an Airplane Accident in Jacksonville, FL

Accidents involving airplanes and other aircraft can be terrifying. They also have the potential to cause life-changing injuries. Whether your accident was caused by pilot error, defective equipment, or something else out of your control, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries and suffering.

Getting the compensation you deserve can be a challenge. That’s where our Jacksonville personal injury lawyers can help.

We are award-winning Florida trial attorneys with decades of experience handling complex personal injury matters like yours. We have the resources it’ll take to maximize your financial recovery.

When you choose our law firm to represent you in your aviation accident case, you’ll be able to concentrate all of your efforts on getting better – while resting assured that your claim is in the best possible hands.

Our team will handle every aspect of your Florida aviation accident case:

  • Conduct an independent investigation into your airplane accident
  • Gather accident reports, aircraft maintenance records, inspection logs, pilot licensing information, video footage of the incident, black box recordings, medical records, and other evidence that can be used to build a strong claim on your behalf
  • Determine liability and seek compensation from anyone who directly or indirectly contributed to your airplane accident
  • Handle conversations and settlement negotiations with airlines, aircraft manufacturers, government agencies, and other parties on your behalf
  • Prepare to file a lawsuit and argue your case in front of a Jacksonville jury if you weren’t offered a fair settlement

At Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we offer our top-rated personal injury litigation services on a contingency fee basis. There’s no upfront cost to hire our law firm. You pay nothing unless we win your aviation accident case.

Now is the time to begin your fight for compensation. You can enlist our help by contacting our Jacksonville law office today.

How Common Are Aviation Accidents?

Commercial air travel is actually one of the safest forms of transportation. In fact, the odds of dying in a commercial airplane accident during your lifetime are simply too small to calculate

Most aviation accidents involve private aircraft. In 2019, there were over 21,800 flight hours logged across the nation.

A total of 1,220 civilian aviation accidents were recorded that year, resulting in:

  • 233 fatal accidents (and 414 deaths), and
  • 229 seriously injured victims.

Preliminary statistics for 2020 indicate there were 1,085 total civilian aviation accidents in the United States, resulting in 332 deaths and 187 serious injuries. 

Based on 2019 statistics, there are roughly 3 to 4 plane accidents every single day.

Most of these aviation accidents happen immediately after takeoff or during the last eight minutes of an aircraft’s descent.

Many of these accidents occur in Florida, which is one of the top three states for private air travel and private aircraft registration.

What Causes Most Aviation Accidents?

Around 80 percent of airplane accidents are a result of pilot errors. 

Examples of pilot errors and negligence that can contribute to aviation accidents include:

  • Distractions
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Fatigue or falling asleep while navigating an aircraft
  • Inattention
  • Operator inexperience
  • Miscommunication with air traffic control
  • Poor judgment

There are also situations when a pilot error may or may not be the sole factor. Bad weather conditions, aircraft defects, aircraft malfunction, and negligent aircraft maintenance can also lead to aviation crashes in Jacksonville, FL.

What Damages Can I Recover If I File an Aviation Accident Lawsuit?

If you sustained injuries in an airplane crash or aviation accident in Jacksonville, you can file a claim to recover compensatory damages.

In Florida, compensatory damages fall into two categories: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages offset the verifiable financial costs of your aviation accident, which might include:

  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitation
  • Medical equipment and devices
  • Nursing assistance
  • Disability
  • Lost wages
  • Lost job opportunities
  • Out-of-pocket costs and expenses
  • Funeral and burial costs if an airplane accident in Jacksonville is fatal

Not all of the consequences of an airplane accident will be easy to calculate in terms of dollars and cents. That’s where non-economic damages come into play.

Non-economic awards can include money for:

Our aviation accident attorneys in Jacksonville will carefully review the circumstances of your case and resulting injuries with respected experts. Their knowledge and insight can provide a wealth of information about why your accident happened, who is at fault, and how much your case is worth.

With their help, we can work towards a financial recovery that accurately reflects what your Florida airplane accident case is worth.

Aviation and Airplane Accidents Can Cause Severe Injuries

Even a minor airplane accident can cause serious, life-changing injuries.

At Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we are ready to help you see the damages for:

Seek medical treatment at the nearest hospital in Jacksonville immediately after an aircraft accident.

Once your condition is stable, reach out to our compassionate aviation accident lawyers. We can arrange a time to discuss the details of your case so you can learn about what legal options may be available to you.

Who Can Be Responsible for the Costs of My Jacksonville Airplane Accident?

In Florida, everyone that contributes to an airplane accident can be financially responsible for the consequences.

Depending on the specific details of your accident and pending the outcome of a thorough investigation, it may become clear that one or more of the following parties are at fault:

  • Pilot
  • Aircraft staff
  • Airline
  • Airplane owner
  • Plane Manufacturer
  • Airplane maintenance professional or mechanic
  • Air traffic control
  • Airport
  • Airport staff

Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers will carefully analyze your crash to determine why it happened. Once the cause is known, we can move forward with personal injury claims against anyone who directly or indirectly put you in harm’s way.

Is There a Time Limit for Airplane Accident Lawsuits in Florida?

If you file an aviation accident lawsuit in Florida state court, you have four years from the date of your accident to do so.

A wrongful death lawsuit must be filed within two years of an airplane accident victim’s death.

It is essential to file your claim before the statute of limitation expires. Once the fourth anniversary of your aviation accident arrives, you will forfeit the ability to pursue compensation that you need and deserve.

Calling a personal injury attorney near you in Jacksonville, Florida, for help right after an aviation accident can help to protect your right to compensation. At Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers, our compassionate team is always available to provide the assistance you need – 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Schedule a Free Consultation With an Experienced Jacksonville Airplane Accident Lawyer

Are you struggling with painful physical injuries or the devastating death of a loved one because of a recent airplane accident in Jacksonville, Florida? You don’t have to deal with the aftermath on your own.

Call Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers and find out how our Jacksonville airplane accident lawyers can help you file a claim and seek compensation from those responsible.

Benefit from decades of experience and a team that’s won tens of millions of dollars on behalf of deserving clients just like you.

We offer a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Reach out to our Jacksonville law office to set up a time for yours today.

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