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Jacksonville Bed Sore Lawyer

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Jacksonville Bed Sore Lawyer

Have you or a family member developed bedsores while under the care of a nursing home or assisted living facility in Jacksonville, Florida? Contact Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers to discuss your legal rights and options. If the bedsores result from caretaker negligence, we can help you fight to recover maximum compensation for your injuries and suffering.

Since 2012, Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers has helped victims of nursing home abuse fight back against their negligent caretakers. We put over 100 years of collective experience behind our clients and help them achieve life-changing results.

Our attorneys have won tens of millions of dollars for injury victims and families in Jacksonville, FL. Contact our law office to discover how we might be able to help you get top results in your bedsore injury case, too. Your first consultation is free, so contact our Jacksonville bedsore lawyers today at (904)-396-1100.

How Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You Seek Compensation For Bed Sore Injuries in Jacksonville

How Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You Seek Compensation For Bed Sore Injuries in Jacksonville

Bedsores are painful and, left untreated, can lead to serious infection, illness, and life-threatening complications. Unfortunately, they’re also fairly common among nursing home residents. 

Bedsores are also an avoidable injury and a sign of nursing home abuse and neglect. Nursing homes won’t just admit to negligence, though. You’ll have to fight to get the compensation your family deserves.

Our Jacksonville bedsore attorneys are here to help you make that a reality.

While you focus on recovering or helping your loved one get better, our award-winning nursing home abuse lawyers will:

  • Investigate the circumstances surrounding the bedsore injuries
  • Determine if there is a demonstrated pattern of nursing home residents developing bed sores or other related injuries at the facility
  • Gather evidence to prove that your pressure ulcer injuries are, in fact, a result of negligent care at a Jacksonville nursing home
  • Bring in medical professionals and nursing home neglect experts to help us build and value your case
  • Handle all conversations and negotiations with the nursing home, negligent caretaker(s), and/or their insurance companies

If you’re not offered a fair settlement, or if the nursing home refuses to admit fault at all, then our experienced trial attorneys will be ready to take your case to court.

We will do whatever we can to make your personal injury case a success. Contact our law office serving Northeast Florida to learn more. Your first consultation is absolutely free. Our nursing home abuse lawyers are standing by, so call now.

What Are Bed Sores?

Bedsores, which are also known as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, occur when a person remains seated or lying down for extended periods of time without moving.

While sitting or lying down, the pressure of the person’s own bodyweight limits and ultimately restricts blood flow to the skin. After about 2-3 hours without blood flow and oxygen, the skin in the affected area begins to die.

Bedsores develop and can get worse over time:

  • Stage 1: Skin is red and warm. It may feel itchy or burn.
  • Stage 2: Skin looks visibly damaged and may have open wounds. It may be significantly more painful.
  • Stage 3: The affected area begins to crater as the skin dies.
  • Stage 4: The affected area will present with a large wound and will likely become infected. If the resident isn’t moved, the sores can eventually penetrate the muscle and bone.

The buttocks, hips, shoulder blades, head, knees, legs, and tailbone are the parts of the body that are most susceptible to bedsores. 

Who’s Liable For Bed Sore Injuries in Florida?

Anyone who is negligent or intentionally abuses a nursing home resident can be liable for bed sores.

This might include:

  • Personal caretakers
  • Nursing home staff
  • Nursing home facilities
  • Assisted living facilities
  • Doctors and nurses
  • Home health aides

Ultimately, anyone who owes a nursing home resident a duty of care can be liable for damages in a pressure sore injury case. Our Jacksonville nursing home abuse attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure that anyone who contributed to your bedsore injuries is held fully accountable.

What Damages Can I Get For Bed Sore Injuries in Jacksonville?

Bedsores are painful, debilitating injuries. Victims can experience sky-high medical bills and suffer from excruciating physical pain and discomfort. The emotional distress of dealing with a bedsore injury can also be unbearable. Fortunately, victims can recover compensation for these (and other) damages.

Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers will fight to recover all economic and non-economic damages available under Florida state law, including:

  • Hospitalization
  • Surgery
  • Medical devices and equipment
  • Pain and suffering
  • Therapy
  • Disfigurement
  • Scarring
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Rehabilitation
  • The cost of finding and transferring to a new nursing facility
  • Funeral and burial costs, if a bedsore injury results in a resident’s wrongful death

Punitive damages could also be available if there’s clear and convincing proof of gross negligence or a reckless disregard for a nursing home patient’s safety. 

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Jacksonville Bed Sore Lawyers

Bedsores are painful and debilitating. They can also be avoided by ensuring that nursing home residents are repositioned, moved, or adjusted regularly. When a bedsore injury happens, negligent caretakers must be held accountable. Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers will fight to do that for you.

Contact our Jacksonville bedsore lawyers to learn more. Our law office provides a free case evaluation, so call us today.

Visit Our Nursing Home Abuse Law Office In Jacksonville, FL

Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers
9471 Baymeadows Rd #105, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 396-1100

Open 24 hours

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