Automobiles have become safer over the years. Improved technology combined with mandatory safety equipment has made car accidents more survivable overall. However, even with these improvements, traffic deaths still happen in Jacksonville, Florida.
How many people die in car accidents each year? Over 46,000 people died in traffic crashes across the U.S. in 2022. These deaths are tragic for victims and their families in Jacksonville, FL. A Jacksonville car accident lawyer from Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers helps family members fight for compensation after they lose a loved one in a fatal car accident.
Contact Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers at (904) 396-1100 for a free consultation with an experienced Jacksonville car accident attorney.
How Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Loved One Dies in a Car Accident In Jacksonville
Since our law office opened 12 years ago, Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers has assisted injured clients in Jacksonville, Florida, in recovering compensation from at-fault parties and their insurers. Our Jacksonville personal injury attorneys have 100 years of combined legal experience fighting for accident victims like you.
Our Jacksonville personal injury lawyers provide the following services after you or a loved one suffers an injury due to another’s negligent or wrongful actions:
- Evaluating the strength of your case and explaining your legal options
- Collecting evidence, including accident reports and medical records, for your case
- Preparing an insurance claim and working to resolve it
- Litigating against the at-fault party when their insurer refuses to settle
A fatal car accident can lead to emotional distress and financial hardship for the surviving family. Contact Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation with a Jacksonville car accident attorney to discuss your options for pursuing compensation after your family member’s death.
What Determines the Value of a Fatal Car Accident Claim?
The value of a wrongful death claim depends on many factors, including the deceased person’s age and income. The household services provided by the victim will affect the claim value as well.
What Compensation Can Families and Estates Recover for Fatal Car Accidents?
Florida’s wrongful death law defines the types of losses that the deceased person’s family and estate can seek.
The family’s compensable losses include the following:
- Present value of the decedent’s future earnings
- Value of the decedent’s household services, such as childcare
- Mental pain and suffering of the survivors
- Medical and funeral expenses paid by survivors
- Companionship and protection of a deceased spouse
- Companionship, instruction, and guidance of a deceased parent
The decedent’s estate can also seek compensation for the deceased person’s losses. These losses include the medical and funeral expenses paid by the estate and lost future earnings unless already recovered by family members.
How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Charge?
Car accident lawyers charge a contingency fee equal to a percentage of the compensation recovered. The fee is paid at the end of the case from the settlement or trial award.
Does Florida Allow a Wrongful Death Claim if the Deceased Person Contributed To the Cause of the Car Accident?
The decedent’s executor can file a wrongful death claim even if the victim was partially responsible for the accident. The court will reduce the compensation in proportion to their share of the blame. This is known as modified comparative negligence.
What Are Some Common Fatal Car Accident Injuries?
Car accidents produce enormous amounts of energy that can break bones and tear soft tissue. Unfortunately, these injuries are sometimes fatal.
The following injuries can kill car accident victims:
- Severe blood loss, including internal or external bleeding
- Traumatic brain injury
- Airway disruption
- Fractured neck producing a fatal spinal cord injury
- Chest injury that damages the heart, lungs, or major blood vessels
Most people killed in car accidents die at the scene. Once they reach the hospital, their odds of surviving increase dramatically.
How Do Fatal Car Accidents Happen In Jacksonville, FL?
According to the Florida Crash Dashboard, the state had 3,410 traffic deaths in 2023. Of these, 165 deaths happened in Duval County. Since Jacksonville merged with Duval County, all these deaths occurred within the city’s jurisdiction.
Many victims were pedestrians and cyclists. In 2023, 43 pedestrians and five cyclists died in Jacksonville crashes. In total, over 29% of Jacksonville’s traffic deaths were non-motorized road users. Another group with disproportionately high representation in terms of fatalities is motorcyclists. In 2023, 32 motorcyclists died, which made up over 19% of all road deaths.
Many fatal car accidents involve a failure to yield to motorcycles, pedestrians, and bicycles. Distracted driving, inattention, and speeding contribute to such failures. These factors can also contribute to multi-vehicle collisions.
How Long Does Florida Give To File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit After a Car Accident?
The personal representative of the deceased person’s estate files on behalf of the estate and the surviving family members. Florida law gives them two years.
What Should I Do After a Fatal Car Accident?
If you were in the vehicle when the accident occurred, call the police. The responding officers will investigate the accident and determine its cause.
Consider consulting a lawyer promptly after the accident. Florida has a short window for filing. If you fail to act quickly, you can lose the right to pursue compensation.
Contact Our Jacksonville Car Accident Lawyers for a Free Consultation
A death can cause significant emotional and financial loss in Jacksonville, FL. Contact Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation to discuss how our Jacksonville car accident lawyers can help after your loved one’s death.